



Marriage in University

It is a long-running debate that whetherstudents in university should be allowedto get married or not. Though some

people seem to be approval to the collegestudents' marriage,l hold an oppenent view that the students should not getmarried when they are still in the university.

First,they are not mature enough todistinguish true love from liking.Thepersonality of a college student is in atransform so it is not steady.And theyrarely know what they really expect in amarriage.Thus you are likely to find thatthe girl to whom you take a liking at yourfirst meeting can not make a satisfyingwife.

Second,there is no pocketbook toenable them to support a family. Sinceenable them to support a family.Sincethey are still under-gratuated,they can notfind а job to earn enough money to maintain the marriage.If they can notafford the rent of a house and other expense in daily life,will their marriage goon?

Third,marriage will surely distract them from their study.The trifles in thenewly-built family will entangle you in the difficulty and complicated situation which will drive youmad.In such case,your study will be greatly effected.

From all above,we will easily come to theconclusion that college students had better not get married.


As cell phone is inexpensive and almost all people can afford it, most people tend to depend on cell phones a lot.Whenever you see people around whether they are walking on street or sitting anywhere, you will find that people just stare at their cell phones.This situation has caused public’s attention.Some believe that cell phones bring them fun.Some argue that cell phones will cause disaster.In my opinion, I agree that cell phones facilitate our life.Reasons are listed as follows

Firstly, cell phones bring us entertainment.We can read our favorite novels and newspapers, listen to the music and even watch movies by cell phones.We can enjoy much fun by playing cell phens

Secondly, we can contact our friend in a minute.Provided that we don’t have cell phones, we can just use letters to contact with our friend and it takes several days to hear from them.If we have cell phones, we just need to dial their number and we can know what they are doing or what they plan to do.Thus, cell phones make people closer

All in all, we can not only enjoy fun by playing cell phone, but also we can contact our friend in a minute.Thus, cell phones facilitate our life.


With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone. Every cion has two sides. When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems.

To start with , mobiles phones have brought us many conveniences. With a using of a phone ,we can surfing on the Internet whenever we like without opening a computer.What's more, we are imformed of everything important when we carry our cell phone all the time. Futermore, it can also help us with some learning,beacuse we can look up the word in the digital dictionary.


Now it's popular to buy vegetables with mobile phones。I have bought vegetables several times for my family.

Firstly, it's a practical app. It can give you the recommended vegetables according to your preference. You can collect your favourite vegetables. What's more, the tracking information can be checked on the app. The whole process is like shopping on line but the speed is faster. If you order vegetables in the morning you can receive them in the afternoon.


Now as the society is developed,many students have mobiles now.Especially in the middle school,many boys and girls take the mobiles in the class. The music often rised during the classing.This make the teachers very confused.I think all of us are very young,no need the mobile.If your parents really have many money and bought a mobile for you. Please shut off before you go into the classroom.


Mobile phones can make our life more colorful and make us know more widely. Life is more convenient. Of course. If you don't use your cell phone properly. Indulge in games. Don't make progress. It will seriously endanger physical and mental health.


I think the most important harm of mobile phones is often easily overlooked. Now our daily life cannot be separated from mobile phones. Mobile phones often store most of our personal information, including correspondence address, home address, favorite food, places we often go to, etc. Once personal information is stolen, most of our privacy will be exposed. Moreover, we always need to fill in personal information for APP registered accounts. Illegal operators often sell our personal information to sales companies or even fraud companies, which is even extremely harmful to our privacy.


使用手机英语作文的方法可以归纳为以下几点:1. 确定主题和结构:在开始写作之前,首先要明确文章的主题和结构。考虑文章的目的、受众和重要观点,并据此搭建文章框架。2. 语法和拼写检查:手机上有许多应用程序可以帮助检查语法和拼写错误。这些工具可以帮助你避免一些基本的错误,使文章更加流畅。3. 查找信息:手机互联网使我们能够轻松地查找和引用信息。只需在搜索引擎中输入关键词,就可以找到相关的英文句子和短语。4. 语言翻译:手机上的翻译工具可以帮助你转换句子结构或者检查表达的准确性。但请注意,机器翻译并不能完全替代人类翻译的准确性,所以最好在使用前进行人工检查。5. 编辑和校对:最后一步是仔细阅读并编辑文章。检查句子是否通顺,逻辑是否清晰,拼写是否正确。也可以使用手机上的校对工具来辅助这一过程。总的来说,手机是一个强大的写作工具,只要正确使用,就可以帮助我们写出优秀的英语作文。


Overuseing cell phones have influence on Health Issues. Firstly,Walk the talk is good for exercise but lack of concentration while crossing the roads has increased the number of accidents. Talking on phone and driving is another main reason of accidents. Avoid mobile phones while driving or crossing roads.

Secondly, mobile phones comes in handy for playing games, listening to music, surfing the net, keeping socially active, clicking photographs. But with it there is a rise of physical problems as well.

Thirdly, children are happy sitting at home and trying different apps and playing games on mobile. This has really reduced their physical activity and resulted in lack of outdoor activities. Lack of physical activities is bound to give health problems later