



Cleaner to clean the streets every day, the postman send the day's newspaper to our hands on time, night patrol personnel with sleepless nights for homes comfortable life... Who is not in a hard work to create a happiness life?清洁工人每天把街道打扫得干干净净,邮递员准时把当天的报纸送到我们手中,夜巡人员用一个个不眠之夜换来千家万户的的安心生活……有谁不是在用辛勤的劳动创造着幸福美好的生活呢?


August, September and October are the months of kites flying, because the wind blows north-westwards. During these months, many Wonderful kites are flying in the blue sky.

  One day as the school was over, Qin Bo, my classmate, called me accompanying him to have kite flying at the big grass field. I had not been flown kite for a long time. So I promised him at last, when I reached there at five, I found him waiting for me.

  Many boys were flying their kites higher in the sky. They were excited when they found their kites win another's. They shouted with joy and jumped up and down.

  Not long after, Qin Bo's kite was in the sky, but mine was not. I was so disappointed that I wanted to give up. But I thought how disgraceful I was. So I asked Qin Bo to exchange the kites. Oh! His kite was wonderful. It was so light that it flow higher than the kites of all. He told me why my kite could not fly because it was maderoughly; the head was heavy, and the end was light, I agreed and made up my mind to make a new kne that would fly high in the sky.


Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can't bear the school's canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students' room.

The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other hand, they want to make sure the students' healthy. Most students choose to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their health.

In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students' taste, they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally



2. 景物描写传神逼真,遣词造句贴切得体,景随情生,情景交融,呈现在读者面前的恰似一幅生动传情的写生画。

3. 想像奇妙,既源于生活,不失生活的真实,又高于生活,开阔读者的视野,充满了艺术魅力。


"Crisis" and "opportunity" are only one word apart, but the deep meaning is thousands of miles apart. However, if we can find the opportunity in the crisis, instead of focusing on the danger and difficulty, I think the result will be very different.

Opportunities are always hidden in the crisis and need our discovery. Just as "the world does not lack beauty, but the eyes to find beauty", now I replace "world" and "beauty" with "crisis" and "opportunity". I hope all of us can find more opportunities.


With the development of society, the safty of people has already crabbed the eyes of world, because the safty affects our daily life profoundly. Thus, for this topic about family safty, people have everlasting controversies.

First, some news indicate that in some families, some parents have a behavior that is called "family violence"which is not for children. This behavior makes a lot of innocent children be in danger, so, we must pay much more attention to safty of children.

Second, the crime of families in our surrending becomes tremendously vital. Some bad parents abread their anger to their children. So,it must be stopped that is about these violences, which is extremely essentical.








To develop a skill to fight forest fires, we are sent to attend a course in forest fire control or fire science from an accredited university forestry program. There we learnt that there's as much science involved as there is bravery and brawn. Meteorology, geography, engineering and management skills are all integral to forest fire control. We did learn a lot…! The following are some of the things we learned about forest fire fighting.

1. Study the weather. Wind shifts will play a big part in fire-fighting strategy; an unfavorable shift may defeat all your efforts.

2. Establish a defensive line. Without a large professional crew and airborne tankers, your only chance is to dig a firebreak. Look for a favorable spot, such as a road or a ridgetop.

3. Eliminate all flammable material along your firebreak. The wider you can make the line, the better. Remove deadwood and bushes and scatter them on the burning side of the line.

4. Soak the area along and behind the firebreak with water. If there are buildings in the area, soak them as well. Remove any vehicles.

5. Be wary of the fire jumping past your location and cutting you off. Watch for airborne embers. Also watch out for igniting treetops, which suggest a fast-moving crown fire.