

在我的相册里,有许许多多的照片,照片上的我有的充满欢乐,有的带着稚气,有的无比激动······ 其中一张照片令我终身难忘。



A Meaningful ThingToday was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates.

  In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songs and played some games that can keep us healthy and relaxed.We were happy the whole morning.

  At noon,we finished the meal and organized a activity.We showed the importance of protecting enviornment to visitors.And the visitors were very kind and took an active part in our activity.They also realised the importance of protecting our environment,and determined to stop environment from being polluted.It made us happy,because everyone was trying to protect the environment.

  In the afternoon,we went back at 4 o'clock .A Meaningful ThingToday was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates.

  In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songsA Meaningful ThingToday was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates.

  In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songs and played some games that can keep us healthy and relaxed.We were happy the whole morning.

  At noon,we finished the meal and organized a activity.We showed the importance of protecting enviornment to visitors.And the visitors were very kind and took an active part in our activity.They also realised the importance of protecting our environment,and determined to stop environment from being polluted.It made us happy,because everyone was trying to protect the environment.

  In the afternoon,we went back at 4 o'clock .A Meaningful ThingToday was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates.

  In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songs and played some games that can keep us healthy and relaxed.We were happy the whole morning.


Today,I got up very early,I had a very good breakfast,then I went out to play with my friend,We had a very good time.In the afternoon,I went swimming with my father,it was very hot,but we felt very good in the water.After supper I began to do my homework,I didn't think it is difficult,so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed.


Easter Island Mystery 复活节岛之谜Known to the locals as Rapa Nui, the Chilean dependency is the most remote, inhabited place on Earth.

Standing on top of the tiny triangular island, pinned to the South Pacific on each corner by extinct volcanoes, you can see why: all that is visible is the blue ocean.

In fact, Easter Island is so remote that with the curvature of the Earth, the nearest landmass you can see from here is the Moon.


going out with my parents is always special to me. my parents do not see me often so every opportunity of being together as a family is precious to all of us. that day was a sunny day, which was rather rare in my city where air pollution was always a big problem. we bicycled together, laughing and joking all the way. honestly i did not really remember where we went. it was special to me nevertheless as i had really spent a good time with my parents




1. Actions speak louder than words

  • 意思:行动胜于言辞。
  • 解释:人们常常会说一些空话,但行动才是真正能够证明一个人的意图和诚意的。
  • 例句:Don't just say you will help me; actions speak louder than words.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed

  • 意思:患难朋友才是真朋友。
  • 解释:在困难时刻给予帮助和支持的人是真正的朋友。
  • 例句:My friend stayed with me when I was sick. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

  • 意思:入乡随俗。
  • 解释:到了一个陌生的地方,应该按照当地的习俗和规范行事。
  • 例句:I know it's different here, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

4. The early bird catches the worm

  • 意思:捷足先登。
  • 解释:早起的人有更多的机会获得成功,因为他们可以更早地开始工作。
  • 例句:I always wake up early to study. The early bird catches the worm.

5. Practice makes perfect

  • 意思:熟能生巧。
  • 解释:通过不断重复和练习,我们可以达到接近或完美的状态。
  • 例句:Don't give up! Keep practicing. Practice makes perfect.

6. Don't judge a book by its cover

  • 意思:不要以貌取人。
  • 解释:不能仅凭外表来判断一个人的品质和能力。
  • 例句:She may look serious, but don't judge a book by its cover. She is actually very funny.












  • 相互理解和支持:在备考过程中,我们会遇到各种困难和挫折。我们应该理解并支持彼此,不断鼓励对方,帮助对方渡过难关。
  • 时间的分配:合理安排学习和休息时间,为与好友相聚留出空间。可以一起复习、讨论问题,互相提醒和帮助。
  • 交流与倾诉:保持与好友的沟通,分享自己的想法、烦恼和快乐。倾听对方的需求和困惑,给予正确的建议和安慰。
  • 团队合作:在集体学习或团队活动中,学会合作与分享,培养共同进步的氛围。相互协作,共同面对困难和挑战。



















There have been many changes in my life. With the development of the economy my life is better off.

For the clothing I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes.

But in the past there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe.

For the food I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal rice noodles or streamed ban with one or two light dishes even preserved pickles.

Nowadays I can afford any delicious food including western foods.

For the housing I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.

For the getting around I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago. At present I drive my private car to travel.

I believe my life will be better and better in the future.